The Buddy Walk is a one-mile advocacy walk for individuals with Down syndrome and other differing abilities.
Anyone can participate. Free Food, Entertainment & Raffle Prizes.
Pledges/Donations are encouraged throughout the year.
The Buddy Walk® was created by the National Down Syndrome Society in 1995 to celebrate
Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote acceptance and inclusion of
people with Down syndrome. The Buddy Walk® has grown from 17 walks in 1995 to nearly 300
local programs and services, as well as the national advocacy and public awareness initiatives
of NDSS that benefit all individuals with Down Syndrome.

Saturday, May 10th 2025
12 pm - 3 pm
Core Creek Park
Langhorne, PA 19047
If you cannot attend the Buddy Walk but would like to donate please click here
Register for the Buddy Walk
Only those who register by March 15th will receive a T-shirt
(Limited Quantities Available)
If you have a loved one or friend with disabilities and would like to show your support for
him/her, you can organize a team from your family, workplace, school, or community to
strengthen the support and add to the fun.
The Team Name can be the name of a loved one with a disability (ex. “TEAM Mikey”) the
name of a workplace ex. “TEAM Crystal Bank”, the name of the contact person/ team
organizer, or you can choose a name that means something to you. In the past, some teams
have made signs or flags for their team. That is up to you. Have fun with it! Any questions,
please contact us at info@hopesanddreamsfoundation.org
Please email us with your team name and a picture of your loved one if you would
like us to add him/her to the Team Picture Page on the website.
You can register for the Buddy Walk HERE and include your Team Name where prompted.
Please email or facebook your family & friends to support your team!
Submit Team name by 3/15 to be printed on T-shirts